All products have an stock counter, we use 4 types:

This stock count shows if the product is in stock or not. This is realtime, so when you order the product the stock will be lowerd realtime. So this shows you for 99% sure if we have stock or not.
With every product there is also an delivery time shown, if that shows deliver time will be 1 week it is one week.
Example 1: Product stock shows
but delivery time shows "3 day's", this means product is in stock but we need 3 day's to ship the product.

Example 2: Product stock shows
and delivery time shows "directly", this means your order will shipped within 24 hours.

Example 3: Product stock shows
and delivery time shows "2 weeks", this means product will ordered for you at supplier and it will take 2 weeks before shipping from us.

Example 4: Product stock shows
and delivery time shows "1 week", this means it is an pre-order and we expect to get stock in one week. This is an indication and not 100% sure but doesn't give rights to cancel order when delivery time change.